I have been playing guitar for many years, mainly in fifties and sixties acts.  I have played around 700 semi-pro gigs (clubs, corporate, holiday parks etc) and continue to play in several bands.   In recent years I have carved out a solo path too where I have focussed on fifties/sixties guitar instrumentals and songs - the music that I have got to know and love over the years!


I have a great Bose sound system, mics and guitar effects to recreate "that sound" of the fifties and sixties.  And of course, last but not least, I am usually armed with several magnificent Fender Stratocasters!


Since the start of Covid lockdowns in March 2020 I have concentrated further on my solo sets, performing online around one hundred times, with a Facebook following of 2000.


Thanks to all my followers - your support is much appreciated.

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